Columbus Under Attack - Defend Our Heritage


Welcome and thank you MOAA member for seeking more information about the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America.  We are the largest and oldest organization in the United States for Italian-American men and women.  Founded in 1905 to help early Italian immigrants, today we are a leading voice of the nation’s 26 million Italian Americans.  We are dedicated to preserving and promoting Italian culture, heritage, language and the legacy of our ancestors.

The following are options for membership:

Lodge (Chapter) Membership

OSDIA Lodge members meet monthly and can hold local, state and national OSDIA leadership positions; represent lodges at local, state and national meetings; and vote on important issues within OSDIA, the SIF and the CSJ. Please contact your local lodge for more information regarding different types of lodge membership and the ability to hold office. 

National At-Large Membership

If you can not or choose not to attend lodge meetings and functions, National At-Large Membership is a great option!

  • Dues are only $35.00 per year.
  • National At-Large Members are entitled to all benefits (with the exception of those specific to lodge membership, for example, the right to hold office in the organization).
  • Give the Gift of National At-Large Membership to friends and family! Recipients are entitled to all the National At-Large Member benefits.
  • Become a National At-Large Member

State At-Large Membership

The following state Grand Lodges offer At-Large Membership: New York, Ohio, California.  Please see their websites for more information.

The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy offers free National At-Large Membership to all Active Duty Military.  Click on this link to apply http:/

For more information visit our website at or e-mail us at [email protected].


Business Directory

We are proud to spotlight the many businesses who support our efforts, and many of these companies offer perks and discounts to our members!

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